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When a house has been standing for a long time, the foundation of that house begins to shift because of the elements. Inside the house, the walls will begin to crack, and the floors will shift; which causes the foundation of that house to become unstable. Also, the bricks will come apart, and if this problem is neglected it can result in the whole house caving in. Therefore, the foundation of the house must be relayed. Likewise, the foundation of the church must be relayed.


Of course, I am not talking about a building; I am talking about the family. God has called me to help relay the foundation on which the family structure rests. In order to do so, I was instructed to start with His daughters. According to Psalms 144:12, God’s desire is that His daughters be as cornerstones (pillars). Who being positioned in the Chief Cornerstone (Jesus), would give birth to living stones. Who being built up as a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, will offer up spiritual sacrifices to God through Jesus.

The key word here is POSITION. God has called me to help position His daughters for the end time movement for the return of Christ. Through COVENANT DAUGHTERS He desires to equip, empower, and mature us as Godly women that we might extend the victory of Jesus over evil.

Surely, my Sisters, we are in a war! But before we can war, we must be taught to walk. And before being called to walk, we must be taught where we stand. If we are going to see our children restored to God, loved ones saved, communities replenished, and lack done away with; then we must grasp our position in Christ-We reign with Him!


We have been given every spiritual blessing to win in this war. We have been chosen, made blameless, adopted, accepted, forgiven, predestined, and sealed. Now is the time we need to know who we are in Christ and come into the fullness of His redemption. We must resist evil, and face life’s trials through Christ’s victory. No longer can we allow the enemy to misuse, abuse, and use us to help destroy the church. We must become Covenant Daughters of God in order to be suitable, capable, dependable, adaptable, and intelligent helpmeets to the priests of the land to birth forth God’s glory and vision that is now coming to fruition.

As a whole, we should be people united in whom God s fullness and glory can dwell. His high purpose, through His people, is to be unveiled and to manifest his will to us so that we might minister as a living body; spreading over the earth and penetrating the heavenlies.

However, we cannot approach this without a practical understanding of His present glory. God’s grace and presence are to affect our everyday life. The objective of COVENANT DAUGHTERS is to equip women to walk in a manner worthy of the calling, and to bring growth in the discipline essential to triumph in spirit-filled living.


Covenant Daughters is designed for those in leadership as well as for the laity. It is a women’s discipleship program geared toward building up the women in the body of Christ as a whole. Covenant Daughters seeks to equip women for the end time as well as providing avenues to use their gifts to help restore our communities, children, homes, and nation. Covenant Daughters are on the move for God! We know where we came from, we know why we are here, and we know where we’re going. Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Won’t you join me in my quest as I help relay the foundation in the lives of Gods daughters!





 A Covenant Daughter is a woman who positions herself in agreement or covenant with God and His word.

She understands that a Covenant is a pledge, promise, a mutual understanding of two parties bindng themselves together  to fulfill an obligation. She has been chosen by God, the creator, originator, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God to partake of the divine covenant. God is bound to her through this covenant which was sealed in th/;;e blood of Jesus, the propitiation for our sins.

This covenant assures, confirms, and enables her to have victory in every area of life (motherhood, wife, friend, and sister), as well as her vocation. She walks by faith in the covenant of the Holy Bible and not by sight. She takes God at His word. She knows that he will not alter or break his covenant with her. This covenant was witnessed by the apostles of old.,Sworn by God himself (Heb 8:9-13), specified and written by the Holy Spirit (2 Tim 3:16) and sealed by the blood of Jesus. She has taken her position and place of influence, that place of position far above principalities, powers and rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places ( Eph 2:6).

Through this covenant, she has been given power to tread upon scorpions and serpents and all the works of the enemy. Because of her covenant, she has divine privileges and resources made available to her in the heavenly places. Therefore, she fears no evil but hopes for all things.

Her characteristic traits are as follows;






She is a Woman Of War

The Covenant Daughter understands that her struggles are not against flesh and blood (man) but against principalities, power and ruler of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph 6:12). She understands that the weapons of her warfare are not carnal (natural), but mighty through God (spiritual) to the pulling down of strongholds.

She has been given keen discernment to detect the enemy deceptive schemes and has been given the ability to intercept his plans. She has been strengthened with might to fight against the forces of night only to WIN. The Lord teaches her hands to war to win against.


She is a Woman of Wisdom

A Covenant Daughter understands that wisdom is the principal thing. She acquires wisdom not by a mechanical formula, but through a right relationship with God. She reverences and acknowledges her God in all situations. She is not moved by circumstances or uncomfortable situations, challenges, and tests because she has unlimite4d access to her Heavenly Father, who has already, laid up wisdom for her. She is confident in knowing that all she has to do is to ask Him for it and he will not withhold it from her but give it to her liberally. (James)

Knowledge + Understanding = Wisdom

Knowledge without understanding equals DEFEAT!!!


She is a Woman of Substance

She has confidence and assurance in knowing that her possessions are of excellent quality. Therefore she is not intimidated by others which would cause her to them evil that are around her, but she seeks to do others good all the days of her life. She brings forth fruitfulness in all that she does. She shares her resources (both spiritual and physical) for the betterment of other people. She is not selfish and self centered. She works hard at unity to establish the kingdom of God.


She is a Woman of Faith

She is a woman who walks by faith and not by sight. She pleases her God by walking by faith. She prays by faith and not by fear. She knows that her Father can move the mountains of adversity that stand before her and all around her. The word of God is final authority in her life. The life she now lives is not in the flesh but by faith in the one who died and gave his life for her…Jesus Christ.


She is a Woman of Diligence

She is consistently attends carefully to the task that has been entrusted to her in life. She is zealous and walks circumspectly in her endeavors. She is persistent and not easily distracted. She is focused and keeps her mind on things that are of good repute, worthy of honor, lovely and worthy of praise. She cast down vain imagination that will try and hinder her from being productive and anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. She avoids evil communication because it will corrupt good manners. She understands that the diligent bare rule in the kingdom of God.


She is a Woman of Praise and Worship

She speaks well of God with exuberance and enthusiasm to Him because of what he has done for her. She exalts God’s virtues and because of His mighty acts. She illustrates her love to God through her speech and conduct. She addresses God directly expressing reverence for his nature, character, attributes, and power and grateful praise for all He is and does. The high praise of God is in her mouth to execute vengeance over the enemy and his evil works (disease, poverty, demonization, etc). her enemy is encountered by God’s reign released through her heartfelt  worship and praise.


She is a Woman Of Love

She walks in unconditional love towards everyone. She has no partiality. She understands that love is the qualifying factor to that entire God as for her. She allows her life to be an expression and extension of God’s love. She is grateful for A God giving His son to die for her and for redeeming her soul from the pit of hell. She is a woman of sincere, genuine, and steadfast love. She loves with no strings attached. She is willing to lay down her life for others. Her love is totally based on the principles of God. She has emptied herself out of her old nature and has allowed God to fill her with I spirit of love., joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


She is a Woman of Moral Excellence

She characterizes nobleness, strength, honor and respect. She goes over and beyond the call of duty to assure that everything is done in decent and in order. She has an eye for exceeding greatness. She is a woman who depicts brotherly love, thoughtfulness, and is very cordial to others. The standard for her life is to be Holy as her Father has required of her.

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